Tefion Morgan gave an excellent Presentation at our June PIM.
Through his company, based in Wales, Teifion is a leading provider of furniture to landlords of professional and student accommodation; letting agents; insurance companies; developers; care homes; social housing sector; relocation agents; Universities; charitable organisations and local authorities.
With the increase in popularity of professional HMO properties, landlords are competing for tenants and are consistently finding ways to attract and maintain good tenants. Part of helping to attract tenants is presenting your property in the best possible way.
Teifion is our first specialist speaker focusing just on the topic of furnishing property. It may not attract the headlines, but it’s a very important area to get right in order to maximise your returns from your property investment and something we take very seriously.
Here are some of the highlights from his presentation:
To Furnish or Not To Furnish?
- Know your market
- Furnishing can help you find tenants quicker
- Exceed tenants’ expectations for longer tenancies – voids are expensive
Tips on Buying Furniture
- Look at furniture as a business investment not a cost
- Buying cheap can be a false economy
- Understand fire regulations and labels
- Don’t spend too much
- Don’t buy furniture based on your personal taste rather than the market
Where to Buy Furniture – Options
- Specialists
- Ebay
- Auction
- Furniture stores
- Online retailers
- Newpaper ads / Gumtree
A Couple More Points to Consider
- Staging is worthwhile for mortgage revaluations
- Does DIY make sense, taking into account your time dealing with multiple deliveries?
- Remember to dispose of old furniture professionally
This was an excellent and useful presentation, packed full of tips and advice from a pro in this area. Teifion’s own company offers “done for you” furnishing services, if you want help.
Make sure you join us at our next PIM on Thursday 30 July 2015 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm – it will be another great evening!
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there on the night.
The Team at Property Options

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