September’s PIM saw an excellent presentation from lifestyle expert Gill Barham.
Gill focused on the importance of health and wellbeing to anyone who wants to build a successful business – and the links to financial outcomes. Of course it’s very easy for entrepreneurs to get distracted, with so many aspects of a business to consider and manage – but it’s crucial.
As Gill pointed out “Wellbeing” is “being in a contented state of being healthy, happy and prosperous”. Of course, they are all linked and wellbeing is much more than absence of illness – and needs much more than crisis management.
Gill’s recommended holistic Wellness Programme has 4 key elements:
1 – Self Improvement
- Invest time and money learning how to be successful
- Look at the habits of successful people
- Be the person you really are
2 – Self Care
- Make time for what nourishes you
- All successful people have people to help them do this – eg personal trainers
- If you neglect yourself and your health, success is pointless
3 – Self Growth
- Be authentic
- Work in an industry you love
- Don’t be one of the people who spend their lives in a job they hate
4 – Self Awareness
- Be aware of what makes you happy
- Make sure your relationships are healthy and fulfilling
- Make sure your work is fulfilling
As Tony Robbins says, wellbeing and balance are directly related these 4 key factors.
Gill didn’t just give lots of great advice, she was also practical – she had everyone busy completing her detailed and eye-opening wellbeing form, designed to identify underlying wellness issues or positives on a huge range of topics. Everyone was surprised at some of the issues that showed up.
This was an excellent and useful presentation, full of advice from a specialist genuinely dedicated to helping people improve their health, rather than focus on illness. If you missed it, you missed out!
Please do join us at our next PIM on Thursday 29 October 2015 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm – it will be another great evening!
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there on the night.

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