At Property Options we always want to ensure that you have access to excellent advice in all areas which can impact your business success, so we were delighted to welcome Gill Barham to our July PIM to talk about the essential topic of your health.
As Gill pointed out in her intro, your health (both physical and mental) isn’t just important for you and your family – it ‘s important for business too; it can be crucial in making you attractive to other investors.
Your Heart
Much of Gill’s talk focused on your heart. Not just its physical health, but of course your heart is at the core of how you give and contribute to the world; success in all its aspects.
Currently we have a worldwide epidemic of heart disease – 1 in 2 people will die of a heart attack and interestingly 53% are women. Much of the problem is due to lifestyle and stress – whether or not we perceive that stress. Weight of course is a big contributor with 1 in 3 adults obese or overweight and now even 1 in 4 teenagers.
Gill’s own special interest in this area began just a few years ago, in 2012, when her 20 year old, fit son developed a heart problem at the age of 20. Soon after her own health was under pressure – she went on a diet and exercise programme, qualified as a Pilates teacher and turned her health and her life around – and is now passionate about sharing her knowledge with others, through her own 5 Step System.
She delved into more detail with her Essential Energy Elevator:
Humans are 72% water and hydration is so important. It affects the skeletal and cardio vascular systems, the brain, kidneys and more. Even the spine is affected, through the cushions between the joints. Too much caffeine can be a problem too, as acidity causes inflammation.
Gill recommends alkalising the body – liquid chlorophyll is an excellent solution and reduces the risk of cancer too.
Watching for the body’s warning signs of health problems is very important. One problem as we age, is that our arteries, which carry blood to the heart, are liable to become furred or even blocked, with fatty deposits. Nitric oxide has now been found to keep the arteries is good condition and can even reverse the risks and the signs of aging. It even reduces wrinkles!
Five A Day
Five a Day doesn’t just mean 5 portions a day for fruit and vegetables, it applies to other areas of our diet too – including pulses, wholemeal breads, protein – and even the number of meals we have. In fact the government’s recommendation has recently increased to 7 portions of fruit and vegetables daily and most experts believe that 10-13 is really what is needed for excellent health. Our bodies need the nutrients form all these foods to deal with free radicals and for good health.
Gill runs a number of courses, including online ones and she can also recommend suppliers of excellent quality nutritional products.
Gill’s talk was very interesting and she included lots of tips for good health, while reminding us all of the importance of health and well being in every aspect of our lives – it’s easy to focus only on the business aspects of property investing, so this was a timely reminder that it takes more than just specialist or technical knowledge to create and run a successful business.
Do make sure you join us for our next PIM on 29 September 2016 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
Del Brown and the team at Property Options

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