A High-Yielding Strategy or Money Down the Drain?
We are delighted to have Stephanie Taylor as headline speaker at our January PIM.
Stephanie is the long-time landlord and property – obsessed Founder of HMO Heaven, the leading HMO specialist in Newport, South Wales.
Over the last 10 years Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) have soared in popularity with investors, because of the huge profits which can be achieved.
It’s not uncommon to achieve profits 10+ times higher than a single let for the same investment.
However, there are plenty of real life horror stories that tell us it’s rarely plain sailing for investors who get it wrong.
HMOs are High Maintenance Operations and more and more investors are finding that the HMO market is saturated, highly competitive, tightly regulated, extremely time consuming and, in some cases, unprofitable too.
- If you want to take the guesswork out of HMO investing and get it right every time
- If you have single lets and would love to 10x your returns with HMOs, but don’t want the hassle of doing it yourself
- If you want your money to work harder than you do
Stephanie will be sharing her top tips for investors who want the heavenly returns of HMO investing, without the hassle of self-managing, including:
- Foolproof strategies to assess the right locations to buy in an area unknown to you
- Checklist for assessing the HMO potential of any property
- How to be savvy with sourcers and ensure you don’t by a lemon
- The crucial questions you MUST ask your HMO agent
With real life case studies demonstrating how to make it work for you whether you’re an armchair investor or hands on.
If you want to invest in property but you lack time don’t miss this session.
So do make sure you join us on 25 January 2018 at 6-9 pm, Future Inn, Bristol.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
The team at Property Options

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