“The most reliable way to predict your future is to create it” – Abraham Lincoln.
As a community at Property options’ PIM, we are all committed to working towards the dream of a more secure financial future, but what are you doing to ensure your future in terms of your health?
We are delighted that Gill Barham will join us on the 28th July and will introduce us to “The Miracle Molecule”.
Gill is a Motivational Speaker, Natural Health and Functional Nutrition Coach, Women’s Health Specialist and Wellness Business Mentor and Entrepreneur, wife and mother of 3.
A few years ago her health was in a very poor state and she discovered through diet and nutrition that she could completely turn her life around – and also that of her son.
She is now a trained functional nutritionist and health specialist.
At our next PIM Gill will share with us the secrets to living a happy, healthier life – so that we can concentrate on our businesses and enjoy our successes.
“Health is wealth, don’t ignore your health and take your dream to an early grave”
It takes more than just specialist or technical knowledge to create and run a successful business, so we are delighted to have Gill to talk about health and welbeing – they are essential building blocks for your success in property (or any other business).
Do make sure you join us on 28 July 2016 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
Del Brown and the team at Property Options

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