We are so pleased that Teifion Morgan is speaking at our June PIM.
Through his company, based in Wales, Teifion is a leading provider of furniture to landlords of professional and student accommodation; letting agents; insurance companies; developers; care homes; social housing sector; relocation agents; Universities; charitable organisations and local authorities.
With the increase in popularity of professional HMO properties, landlords are competing for tenants and are consistently finding ways to attract and maintain good tenants. Part of helping to attract tenants is presenting your property in the best possible way.
In this presentation Teifion Morgan will share with you his experiences from the last 10 years of running his own business providing furniture for landlords.
• How do you decide if you need to furnish – and to what level?
• How buying the right furniture can help attract and retain good tenants – and how to avoid buying furniture that will cost you both money and tenants
• How to ensure your furniture meets with current UK regulations – the basics
• How to dress your property to help achieve a quick sale
We’ve not had a specialist speaker focussing just on the topic of furnishing property at our PIM before. It may not attract the headlines, but it’s a very important area to get right in order to maximise your returns from your property investment and something we take very seriously.
So we‘re really looking forward to giving everyone the opportunity to get the real inside track on this subject.
Make sure you join us on 25 June 2015 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm – it will be a fascinating evening!
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
From all the team at Property Options

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