Matt Jeffery is the Tax Partner at HJR Tax, a firm of property tax specialists.
Matt has been advising clients on property tax matters for over a decade. He previously managed the Real Estate tax team for Deloitte in The South West of England before moving to Kilsby Williams Accountants as Head of Property Tax.
Matt has worked with many of the UK’s leading businesses and has a wealth of experience in assisting property investors and developers maximise the return on their investments through expert tax advice.
Matt will be revealing options available to combat the new tax rules affecting BTL investors.
He will also run through some hot tax topics for Landlords, his experience of dealing with HMRC and an overview of capital allowances tax relief for commercial property purchases.
Tax is one of those essential topics for property investors to get on top of, the rules are a minefield – and you must get this right to maximise your profits.
So whether you are starting out or looking for an interesting addition to your existing portfolio, do make sure you join us on 28 June 2018 at Future Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
The team at Property Options

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