We are truly delighted to welcome Simon King to our June PIM, where he will be revealing how to Grow Your Wealth Through Crowdfunding.
Simon King, from The Landlord’s Pension, is an expert in crowdfunding, as well as pensions, having followed the rapid rise in this industry.
He has over 20 years experience in Financial Services, in the UK and Middle East and has worked as a Financial Adviser for high street banks and as an IFA for investment companies in the UK and Qatar.
Today, he helps individuals take control of existing and frozen pensions to invest in property.
He will be explaining an exciting new way of generating income and growing your property business – using crowd funding.
Whether you’re an investor looking for a return on your capital, a borrower looking to use other people’s money to generate wealth in property or want to use your existing or frozen pension to invest in property, crowd funding could be the answer for you.
The flexibility that crowd funding brings to borrowers is unrivalled when compared with the bank.
Investors have been searching for a viable savings vehicle since the credit crunch – and now crowd funding has truly arrived.
For anyone wanting to swap the volatility of equity based pensions for fixed returns from property, there is an alternative.
Simon will explain how to generate income and grow your property business, using crowd funding. The Landlord’s Pension is a substantial investor in crowd funding and Simon believes a knowledge of this industry is essential to your future success.
This will be an exciting talk on new opportunities which no one had even thought of just a few years ago – it’s talk you do not want to miss.
So do make sure you join us on 29 June 2017 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
The team at Property Options

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