Sadly we have decided to cancel our March PIM, due to the coronavirus situation.
We’re very disappointed, as we were so looking forward to Andrew and Mary’s presentation, they had an excellent presentation prepared, but we’ll be arranging for them to visit us later in the year.
Naturally, nothing is more important to us than your health and wellbeing – and your family and friends of course – and given current advice to reduce contact where possible, we think this is the right thing to do.
Your tickets will of course be valid for our April meeting instead, assuming it goes ahead – or for any other meeting date that you prefer. Please do call the office to discuss, as we will arrange this direct with you, rather than via eventbrite.
We’ll obviously be keeping the situation under review going forward. Given the speed of developments, we are not yet putting tickets on sale for April, but we’ll announce it here on the website as soon as a decision is made.
Meanwhile do check back regularly for updates and also for our regular market reports, which are specially written for us by economist Chris Worthington, one of last month’s speakers.
If you have any queries, please do contact us.
The team at Property Options

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