Our March PIM saw a full house listen to a compelling presentation by property multi-millionaire Martin Godfrey Legido.
Martin lives in Barcelona and owns property in London, Manchester, Newcastle and Milton Keynes, covering both HMOs, Buy to Lets and Commercial property – along with a couple of holiday lets.
He has been a mentor for Tigrent, as well as for Gill Fielding, both well known names in the property education field and is a Business and Property Angel.
Martin’s own Personal Mission is
“To Create Wealth For The Many, Not Just For The Few”
Martin uses The Wealth Tree as his model for success and always focuses on building wealth, not simply increasing income.
As Martin highlighted:
- 95% of UK taxpayers earn less than £50k
- So if you earn over £50k you are already in the top 5%
- If you earn over £70k you are in the top 1%
A Tai Chi practitioner, he starts with universal principles, based on connecting with the universe:
- Attitude – be positive (are you a glass half full or half empty person?)
- The Moment – seize it!
- Self Image – how do you feel about yourself?
- Give Thanks – the more you are thankful for, the more you will receive to be thankful for
- Body – your posture affects what you think
- Forgive – holding grudges only affects 1 person – you
- Giving – helping people is a universal principle
Goal Setting
As Del highlighted in January, goal setting is essential and a key success indicator, as long term research from Stamford University has shown.
Everyone should have written yearly and monthly goals – and a 5 year plan.
Good News
Today is a great time to see and take advantage of the opportunities all around:
- The universe is always available to help
- The Internet era provides abundant information, making it much easier to access excellent information and research
- The UK is a great place for business:
- The tax system is supportive
- The economy is strong (consider Spain…)
- Multiple sources of cash and finance available – from angels to crowdfunding
- More billionaires than ever
- The property market is bullish
- The UK has an entrepreneurial SME culture
The 7 Pillars of Wisdom
These are Martin’s guiding principles for building Wealth:
- Multiple Streams of Income
- Understand Income and Expenditure flows
- Understand Debt and Interest Rates
- Take Advantage of Tax and Grant Benefits
- Systemise Business
- Pound Cost Averaging
- Compounding
The 7 Marks of Multi-Millionaires
As Martin says, study these and model them:
- Financial Freedom is more important than Status
- Allocate Resources Effectively and Build Wealth
- Live Well Below Your Means
- Good at Finding Marketing Opprtunities
- Choose the Right Occupation or Business
- No “silver spoon” Parents
- Kids are Self-sufficient
The Wealth Tree – The Roots
These are the key foundations for building wealth
- Plan your spending – consciously
- Control your credit (cards) – pay them off
- Beat the Banks – open multiple accounts
- Pay Yourself First – put 20% of your income into an account
The Wealth Tree – The Branches
These are the positive steps to take, to make money and to create and grow wealth:
- There are Multiple Streams of Income – business, property, financial assets:
- Your Job – if you earn over £50k and you love it, stay
- If you hate it, start a business instead
- If you love it, but earn less, start adding additional streams
- Business / Consultancy / Non-Exec
- Savings and Investments
- Property
This was a fascinating presentation, covering the key principles to creating lasting wealth. It was a great taster.
Martin and Del are running a full day’s Seminar on 9 May 2015, when all these topics will be explored in more depth.
To Find Out More and Book Your Place Click Here >>>

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