Martin Godfrey
November’s PIM saw a last minute change of speaker, as Gavin Barry was unable to make it due to a family illness.
Fortunately for us, Martin Godfrey was able to step in and he gave us all a most interesting talk, with insights into his own successes with property investment, focusing on an HMO Rent to Rent strategy.
Martin is a long term and very successful UK property investor – and he added a very successful “Rent to Rent” strategy to his existing approaches, after attending several of our PIMs in 2012.
He was even approached by Channel 4 for their “Secret Millionaire” series – but as he was at the time based primarily in Spain rather than the UK, he wasn’t able to become a TV star with them…
As Martin told us, property investment has transformed his life.
For more information about Martin’s approach, please check out our previous blog on his talk in November 2013, as part of his Liquid Life series:
November 2013 PIM with Martin Godfrey – Click Here to read the article
Ian Day
Ian Day also gave us an interesting account of his recent experiences in property investment.
Ian is a Professor at Bristol University, a specialist in medicine, who has also been coming to our PIMs regularly.
He spoke to us about his own new found HMO strategy, how he is getting on and how he is looking to increase his income through property investment.
As with our other regular “Real Life” Stories, everyone much appreciated Ian’s insights into venturing into property investment alongside a demanding career which leaves him with limited spare time.
Our next PIM is on 29 January 2015 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm – do put the date in your diary now, booking will open in the New Year and we look forward to seeing you then.
The Property Options Team

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