We are delighted to announce that Joe Constant will be speaking at our October PIM, on A Winning Strategy.

Joe Constant is a serial entrepreneur, having started and successfully run a number of businesses in coaching/mentoring, training and development (Kick Start Enterprise) and now in property running a successful sourcing business, LD Property Developers.
This has all come about after leaving the security of being a college lecturer for a local college in 2001, teaching business studies and marketing.
Joe has extensively trained in business coaching, life coaching, and mindset from its originator (Carol Dweck). He has also trained as a master practitioner in NLP from one of the founders, Robert Dilts.
Joe’s mantra is before starting any journey, find someone who has done and succeeded in whatever it is you are about to undertake and learn from them. Also never quit until you win.
Joe is the very proud father of two children, Lauren and Darcy. And in another life was a professional backing dancer, including once performing for one of the biggest pop groups in the early 80’s, Boney M.
Joe will be with us to share some of his learning and models he uses to help him overcome the challenges faced whilst working towards your goals. In his time as a coach, he has witnessed the success of his clients who have applied these tools – and he will share them with you at our PIM.
Make sure you join us on 31 October 2019 at 6-9 pm – Future Inn, Bristol, BS1 3EN.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
The team at Property Options

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