Our headline speaker for October PIM is HMO Magazine writer and Property Investor Awards finalist Jonathan Ioannou from JMI Holdings.
Jonathan is one of the youngest HMO portfolio landlords in the Nottingham area and currently has 102 rooms with a few single lets. He was financially free at 27 and and is still under 30 years old.
He has been featured in YPM Magazine, Inside Property Investing podcast and other business titles.
He’ll be talking about how he started out, how he sourced over 300 deals for himself and other investors and how he’s managed to build such an impressive HMO portfolio at such a young age.
He’s just come back from 6 months travelling around South East Asia and we are excited to have him join us for next month’s PIM.
So do make sure you join us on 31 October 2019 at Future Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
The team at Property Options

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