Channel 4’s SECRET Millionaire Kevin Green astounded audiences with his weath strategies during a highly succesful launch seminar in Bristol.
Mr Green, 48, a self-made multi-millionaire and social entrepreneur, is one of the UK’s largest and most successful residential property landlords.
He was homeless in 1984 but found his way to fortune and shared the secret of his success at a debut event at Holiday Inn, Bristol, organised by Property Options.
The event also featured Taiwo Orishayomi revealing how she built an income of £10,000 a month in a year and Rory O’Mara, who demonstrated how to raise a deposit from nothing.
Organisers Del Brown, Adil Ayub and Rob Brown, said they were overwhelmed by the response from the attending delegates.
Del, who has a property portfolio worth £40 million and runs 10 businesses, says he wanted to run the event to help inner city Bristolians aspiring to get into the property business.
He said: “I was very excited to bring Kevin Green to Bristol for our launch seminar, which was highly successful.
“Having spoken to each of the delegates and hearing their feedback was absolutely amazing.”
Del says since the event was a huge success he now plans to handpick some of the best property experts and stage further Bristol seminars over the coming months.
He added: “Over the past 25-years I have built up a property portfolio worth over £40 million and I feel passionate about helping others to achieve their dreams.
I therefore plan to hand pick some of the finest property experts and bring them to the south west to share their wealth strategies, so watch this space.”
Del, who bought this first property for £13,000 and a more recent property for £1.7 million, also plans to share his property tips in his mentoring programmes and courses.
Issued on behalf of Property Options by Paramount PR
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