We are very pleased to have Fran Miller, Landlord Liason Officer at Bristol City Council, as a speaker at our April PIM.
Fran Miller is the new Landlord Liaison Officer at Bristol City Council and is the organiser of the Landlord Expo, the largest event in the South West for all private landlords and investors.
Fran will bring you up to date with what is going in in private housing in Bristol City Council and the impact of new statutory regulations coming into place in 2018 and the future.
Fran’s talk promises to be extremely useful for any investor with property in Bristol or for anyone planning to invest here – this is a great opportunity to come and find out more about how our local Council approaches policies and problems and how it can help you, as responsible landlords.
So make sure you join us on 26 April 2018 at Future Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
The team at Property Options

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