Francis Dolley was our headline PIM speaker in May.
Francis Dolley was a really entertaining speaker – and gave some great tips, as well as a very amusing presentation, showing everyone some of the realities of property investing – especially if you try to go it alone.
Francis bought his first investment properties in 1995 and had a baptism of fire, with tenants ranging from drug dealers to porn stars! The next two years were extremely testing as he discovered all the ins and outs by himself. As Francis says, there weren’t any courses around then to help novice investors.
He did learn his top tip though – Get Yourself a Rhino Skin!
In fact Francis had such a hard time, he went back to being a builder and didn’t do any more, until much more recently.
Then in 2008 he bought a property for his daughter Emily to live in as a student – and converted it to an HMO for students.
This time he decided to invest in a professional property education – and he reckons he has spent £20k since then – and it’s the best investment he could have made!
He and Emily have invested in a series of HMOs and conversions since then, which now generate approx £10k per month.
Along the way his 2nd top tip – Tenacity – was highlighted only too often. Francis explained how several of his most profitable deals involved a great deal of patience and negotiations before they finally worked out – but the rewards were well worth it!
Francis also has his own views on mindset and motivation: Just Do It!
This may sound simple, but it’s great advice. You can think about all these different property investment options as long as you like, but if you don’t take action, get educated and start investing, you’ll never change your life.
Francis is now becoming very well known for his Multi-Let Cashflow System – and it was great to see exactly how it works.
Here are a few more of Francis’ great tips:
- Put your picture on your business card – and be professional
- Make sure you have a professional email address, linked to your website (not a hotmail)
- Use insurance schemes to cover deposits
- Use to track down absconders
- Choose your agents wisely
We all had a great time – and many thanks to Francis for all his inside tips.
We’re delighted to say Francis really enjoyed the evening too – and said ours is the friendliest property investment group he’s met!
Our next PIM is on 25 July- and we’re just confirming a great headline speaker for you.
So make sure you join us on Thursday 25 July 2013 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
All the Team at Property Options – For Successful Property Investment

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