The Sweet & Sour Learnings of 20+ Years of Property Investing.
We’re delighted that Christine Hertoghe will be joining us as our headline speaker at November’s PIM.
Christine has been a property investor for many years and was introduced to the creative side of property acquisition quite by chance almost 30 yrs ago.
When the kids decided to fly the nest and after a 2 hrs promotional seminar in 2006, she saw her opportunity to take it up a level, by educating herself and going on various property courses – as a real “course junkie” – to get a better understanding of how things worked.
However, there is nothing like the school of ‘doing it yourself’, which is where all the real learning happens.
Using examples of her own property portfolio, she will show you some of the valuable lessons she has made and received along the way.
This promises to be an interesting and revealing talk, so do make sure you join us on 30 November 2017 at Future Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm. Please note this is a new venue.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you there.
The team at Property Options

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