We are very pleased to have Fidel Beauhill as a speaker at our September PIM, talking on the essential topic of Lasting Powers of Attorney.
Fidel has been running Legally Secure, here in Bristol, for the last 3 and a half years, but he’s been an Estate Planner for nearly a decade.
He specialises in the often complex area of Estate Planning for those with small and medium size businesses and is sympathetic to the financial and family issues involved if dealing with businesses.
If you are a landlord who manages your own portfolio or have an agent to do so on your behalf, then it is critical that you have the legal means in place to have your ongoing affairs managed by those you trust, if you were to become physically or mentally unable to do so yourself.
Why is a Power of Attorney Important for Landlords?
You should be aware that your spouse or business partner does not have an automatic right to speak or sign for you, even on a joint bank account.
So if you should suddenly become ill, or have a bad car accident perhaps, so you cannot manage your property yourself, then you and they have a serious problem.
Your family or business associates will have to apply to the Court of Protection (one of England’s less well known Courts), before they can do anything.
The Court, via the Office of the Public Guardian, will eventually appoint a Deputy who is likely to be a civil servant or legal professional. Moreover, they will be slow to act, charge for their services, be entirely risk adverse, and have no intimate understanding of you or your affairs.
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
A LPA for your Property and Financial affairs allows an Attorney to make decisions about paying bills, dealing with the bank, collecting benefits, selling your house, etc.
In simple terms, an LPA allows you to plan in advance the decisions you want to be made on your behalf if you lose capacity to make them yourself, the people you want to make these decisions and how you want the people to make these decisions.
Fidel will be explaining how to achieve complete peace of mind, even in the most complicated or contentious of family circumstances.
Here’s what Fidel has to say:
“With Legally Secure we have tried to provide a fresh face to what is usually seen to be a sombre industry.
With a smile and a positive attitude, we help our clients plan for more difficult times.”
Fidel brings a light hearted and entertaining presentation style to this serious subject, while being sympathetic to what could potentially be an upsetting subject for some.
This is an important subject, but one not always thought of, so we are very pleased to have Fidel at our next PIM to explain more about it to our community. Of course we also have Immanuel Ezekiel talking on “How To Create Financial Freedom and Real Wealth Using Other People’s Money”.
So do make sure you join us on 29 September 2016 at Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
Del Brown and the team at Property Options

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