Get Up! Stand Up! Stand Up For Your Rights!
Yes, Stand Up For Your Rights To Wealth!
We are truly delighted to welcome property multi-millionaire Martin Godfrey Legido to our September PIM.
Martin lives in Barcelona and owns property in London, Manchester, Newcastle and Milton Keynes, covering both HMOs, Buy to Lets and Commercial property – along with a couple of holiday lets.
He has been a mentor for Tigrent, as well as for Gill Fielding, both well known names in the property education field and is a Business and Property Angel.
Martin recently sailed his yacht across the Atlantic to Martinique and then cruised the Caribbean for three months. The title of his talk is a dedication to Bob Marley, whose music is adored and played daily all over the Caribbean.
Martin’s own Personal Mission is
“To Create Wealth For The Many, Not Just For The Few”
He believes everyone has the right to Wealth and Financial Freedom, not just a fortunate few!
Martin uses The Wealth Tree as his model for success and always focuses on building wealth, not simply increasing income.
At our PIM Martin will be presenting his new guide to Fast Track You to Wealth!
He’ll be revealing essential mindset secrets for creating that wealth, as well as specific strategies you can use to achieve it.
Martin will lead you through
- Groundbreaking Concepts recently discovered in neuroscience – helping you to Think, Plan, Act & Achieve your goals
- New Strategies To Launch or Develop Your Business Idea
- A Hot New Property Strategy using Lo / No Money down – and giving instant profits
Martin only speaks at a few chosen events in the UK – we are very lucky to have the opportunity to access his advice, through his friendship with Del.
He has spoken before at our PIM, but not for some time – and everyone fortunate enough to be able to come and hear him is always fascinated and inspired by what he has to say.
We promise you an exciting evening packed with new ideas!
So do make sure you join us on 27 September 2018 at Future Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
Del Brown and the team at Property Options

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