We are truly delighted to welcome Simon King to our September PIM, where he will be revealing How To Invest Your Pension In Property.
Simon King, from The Landlord’s Pension, is an expert in pensions and specialises in property:
- Involved in the financial services industry for over 20 years
- Investment and Pension Consultant in both National and International arenas
- Extensive experience in Property Bonds
- National speaker on using pensions to invest in property
The Landlord’s Pension:
- Has helped over 1,000 people invest in property since 2004
- Specialises in structuring property investments within a pension
- Are Self-invested and self-administered pension experts
- Are regulated by HMRC to administer UK pensions
Attend this presentation to discover how you can invest your pension into property at any age.
If you have a pension, like most of us that do, you’re probably fed up with seeing a sum of money which in some cases may be substantial, managed on your behalf in the stock market. There is a huge myth that you cannot touch your pension until you’re over the age of 55.
In his presentation Simon will be dispelling this and several other myths that stop people from taking an interest in their pension today and investing it into property!
The Landlord’s Pension likes to think of a pension as an investment bank account that benefits from tax free growth. The fact that you may not be able to access these funds for personal use until you are 55, does not mean that they cannot be used for an investment in property!
Simon will be covering some key points:
- How to invest in property using a pension with as little as £50,000
- Why most of us ignore our pensions and why now may be a great time to take an interest
- How you can manage your pension funds yourself and choose to invest them in property
- How you can swap the volatility of the stock market for fixed returns in property
- Different ways to structure property investments within a pension scheme
Investing your pension in property is not a new concept, it’s just that you’ve probably never been told about it before.
If you’ve ever paid into a pension or know someone that has, Simon’s presentation is not to be missed!
So do make sure you join us on 27 September 2018 at Future Inn, Bristol City Centre, 6-9 pm.
For more info and to reserve your place CLICK BELOW!
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
The team at Property Options

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